October 18, 2019


Bulan menatap nanar dari balik lapisan awan.

Aku duduk di atas bangku kayu, menikmati semilir angin malam di tengah taman. Tak banyak orang berlalu lalang. Kau bersandar di sampingku. Rambutmu yang sebahu jatuh dengan manis di atas kemeja putih dengan noda cokelat di bahu.

December 5, 2017


Bukankah kita pengembara
Tersesat di antara tanya
Mencari tempat pulang, mereka-reka
Ke mana harus singgah, di mana
Dapat berteduh

November 11, 2017

Kelak, di dalam relung perutku
Akan tumbuh bunga yang mekar sepanjang tahun
Setiap langkahnya semerbak dan singgahnya berjejak warna

Atau muncul sebuah samudera di sana
Berkilau diterpa terik mentari
Segar membasuh segala yang menghadangnya
Dengan biru dan hitam yang memikat siapa yang melihatnya

Ataukah langit yang bermukim dalam hangat rahimku
Merona jingga berbalut syahdu
Memeluk dunia dengan tulus dan tanpa ragu

Namun, saat ini
Izinkan aku
Bergelung bersemayam di dalamnya
Bersembunyi di sana

October 30, 2017

If you ask me what happens
After three
I'd say

The new wedded couple
Is trying to calm their baby
After seventy hours
Of crying

The happiest
The world will ever see

While the broken ones
Are still trying to figure out
How life gets there

Stuck between what could've been
And what will never be

Some young souls
Are still looking for meaning
In clubs
With paths to figure out
And feelings to talk about,

The olds
Wake up every fifteen
Trying their hardest to reach
The toilet
Before it's too late

But the smart ones
Are still on their date
With books and equations

Finding happiness
In unusual places

And oh
The righteous ones
Are praying their heart out
Leaning towards the floor
Whispering gently

The sincerest

I'd say
A lot happens
After three

Then there's me,
Snoring like a hog.

October 28, 2017

Too Early To Be Late

In a world full of myself
Everyone loves me

They try and compete
To conquer my heart
In every

In a world full of myself
Anything is easy

Mountains bow, and
Rain stops
By the tip of my fingers

In a world full of myself
Every street and every corner
Is meant to make me

The hours are made of songs
And moments hum
Like lullabies

In a world full of myself
The skies are my canvas
And the trees read me poems

As I paint the universe
In nothing but

So why is it that
In the world full of myself
I still

October 24, 2017

Dan jika pekat kota siang ini
Tak jua membisikkan namamu
Dari balik rapuhnya kaca yang
Melindungi kita dari kejamnya angin
Dan lembutnya angan

Saat warna gedung-gedung itu telah pudar
Terik kan mengingatkanmu
Atas kelabu

Dan aku.

August 30, 2017

Letters To A Cliff

I will not love you
Like the wind
Plants kisses on your edges
When it wants to

I will not love you
Like the sun
Holds you in its warmth, yet
In some mornings
You're burning
In flames

I will not love you
Like the birds
Sing you lullabies
When you can't sleep
And leave you wide awake
In the winter

Just let me be the waves
And I will crash
My each and every bone
Towards you

And forever

August 17, 2017

I know I am the least
Of your favorite
Right now

I have torn every beautiful
For granted

Yet here I am
Knocking on your door, reaching
For your ever giving hands, grasping
For your ever loving


July 12, 2017

Every year I come here to celebrate the day she left me.

Ten years ago, there was mostly grass in this field. We used to come here and watch the clouds pass by. I told them the truth; I had a wife that was terribly too kind for everyone, that she wanted to help the world so much she wished to be buried within the forest, so that her body would be a part of their growth. See? She had a flawlessly beautiful heart that I would do anything, anything, for her.
But I never quite understood why she left. They said she probably got bored, or she ran away with someone else and changed her identity because even after five years, not a single trace, not even a body, was found. The police gave up eventually.

I told them the truth.

But little did they know, that day she told me she wanted to die. She was more than perfect, but maybe depression does blind one's eyes. It broke my heart when she kept telling me her departure would make the world a better place.

I wanted to save her.

But how could I say no to that face?

July 11, 2017

"In ten years," You crossed your legs beside me. "Where would you wanna live?"

"Hm.." I narrowed my eyes, thinking carefully about what could happen. After a long moment I pointed my finger to a small shadow behind the trees, next to the suburban area.
You smiled. Your hair danced to the touch of a morning wind, kind of like the grass upon these hills

"Where would you?" I glanced at your nervous laugh.
You lifted your finger up to my place, shoving mine aside.
I moved my finger back, trying to land it where I pointed. You insisted.

"Hey!" I squealed, "That's my place."

It took you a brief second until I heard,
"Is your mom a pilot?"
I walked towards you with a cup of cold tea, just the way you liked it--a little too sweet for me.
You frowned.
"No, where did you get that idea?"
I shrugged.

You started sipping the iced comfort as I said,
"Your sister told me she loved to fly like your mother.."
You choked a little.
"...and she'll tell her that she likes me when you two get home."

I giggled.
But then I couldn't forget the way your skin paled and you looked at me in such horror.

"Rach," Your voice trembled,
"My Ma jumped out of our ninty-feet balcony three years ago."